Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Malaysia Airlines loses plane

It has been over 2 mths yet no sighting on the missing MH370 plane. SAR already done at near Australia. We keep on praying and hoping that the Indian Ocean will be next place to start searching ...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Airplanes loss billions due to volcanic ash cloud

Well, it would take years for airlines industries to recover their billions due to Iceland volcanic eruption. No air travel, tour agencies will be out of business, planes cannot take off, hotel bookings cancel, no taxi going to airports, food business will drop, governments will see their tourism business grind to a halt...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What if...

Imagine years down the road, scientists have perfected time-travel, cars run on solar, teleportation and even zap huge items like sofa set into a spec of dust and rezap back to original size in the event of house moving or during exhibition of moving heavy equipment . Why... logistics company like lorries and ships will be out of business, oil & gas will be diminish, hundreds of people out of jobs especially those working in oil rigs, a new economic will be created.